It's much safer to buy and sell medium-sized companies

We are specialists in presenting your company to potential investors and / or partners. Match Capital provides full assistance. Discover our innovative service in M&A operations (Merger and Acquisition).


It's much safer to buy and sell medium-sized companies

We are specialists in presenting your company to potential investors and / or partners. Match Capital provides full assistance. Discover our innovative service in M&A operations (Merger and Acquisition).


It's much safer to buy and sell medium-sized companies

We are specialists in presenting your company to potential investors and / or partners. Match Capital provides full assistance. Discover our innovative service in M&A operations (Merger and Acquisition).

The secure process for selling your company: Our differential

Match Capital organizes the approach of Investors. We assume responsibility for the control of the documentation, for the deadlines, for monitoring the negotiations, for the assertiveness of the final audit, and for the transparency of closing and payment. All parties report to Match Capital. We aim to value and provide liquidity to SME business assets.

Investors for your company

Investors for your company

Your company will be introduced to Entrepreneurs who want to accelerate the expansion of their business, in their current market or in new ones. We will also bring you closer to Private Equity Funds (Participations) in search of target companies in accordance with their investment theses. You will receive from the experts at Match Capital:

  1. Initial definitions meetings.
  2. Valuation.
  3. Advice on sales strategy or search for partners.
  4. Presentation prospectus for your company.
  5. Search for potential interested in your company.
  6. Support in selecting Investors.
  7. Advice on negotiations.
  8. Audit follow-up.
  9. Recommendations regarding contracts.
  10. Guidance on receipts from the sale.

Common questions

Perguntas Frequentes
1) What is the size of the company so that it can be in Match Capital?

Companies with annual gross operating revenue in the range of R $ 10 million to R $ 100 million are the focus of our operations in the market. We eventually serve smaller customers when it comes to startups.

2) What sectors and regions are served by Match Capital?

Medium-sized companies from all sectors are served by Match Capital, such as Industry, Commerce, Finance, Health, Education, Construction, Telecom, etc. We have customers in 10 states: SP (50% of the total), RJ, RS, SC, PR, BA, MG, PB, AL, and DF. And we are expanding to the other UF's.

3) Is the process of approaching a potential investor or buyer interested in my medium-sized company that is for sale, or looking for a partner, safe?

Security and transparency are our fundamental principles. The entrepreneur who wants to sell his company makes a fundamental decision about his equity and even his life. Registered investors and buyers were previously “filtered” and qualified by Match Capital. Our work processes are certified.

4) What is the experience of Match Capital's people in M&A?

In our team we have professionals with up to 25 years of experience in valuation and advising on purchase and sale operations of companies, which reach the amount of BRL 4 billion.

5) What is needed to hire Match Capital?

Let's talk in person. We will introduce you to our work procedures, in which quality, safety and transparency stand out. Contact us by phone, email or using the form on the website.

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